The emotional support of animals during a time of war cannot be overstated
This is especially the case for families separated by war, and for children seeking some level of normalcy. Many, if not most have been separated from a family member and their animals are one of the few normal things they have in their lives.
For many affected by this tragic event,
their animal is the only family they have left
Service animals are literal lifesavers to at-risk populations who have been harmed by this conflict. Consider the blind, the epileptic, and those whose dogs warn them of other types of seizures and diabetic emergencies.
Bomb sniffing dogs will save thousands of lives, but only if the dogs are alive and healthy
Sadly, cadaver dogs maybe the only hope that some people have of
finding the bodies of their families among the rubble.
Sick animals rapidly spread disease. Dead animals spread disease even faster.
Per Mobile Vet Clinic
Supportive Collateral & Educational Materials
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